
Day 1

Day 1 of what? I’m not sure exactly yet. But I’m gonna start with this:  Today is Day 1 of not picking up my phone over and over, checking for email, likes and crossword games. Whatever I’m looking for, the answer isn’t in the phone. (trust me, I've looked everywhere!) Day 1 of not turning on the news when I’m bored just so I can feel “connected” and “informed” with what’s going on in our world. The only things the 24-hour news cycle make me feel are outrage, anxiety and fear.   OK, that’s 2 things I’m NOT going to do on Day 1. Now for what I WILL do. Today is Day 1 of starting each day positively. With some sort of creative endeavor, no matter how small. A sketch - doesn’t matter if it’s bad. Writing a poem - don’t worry - we’re not looking for a publishing deal. Reading a poem. Playing piano.  It’s Day 1 of reading a book for enjoyment -  not to be more outraged (Thanks anyway, Bob Woodward), or to be more knowledgeable about emerging technologie